Tuesday, August 14, 2012


"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)

This morning as I was making breakfast, my two little blessings decided they wanted to make a craft all on their own. I sat the supplies on the table, gave them construction paper, and let their creative minds do the rest. My big boy was helping little sis use a circle punch on her paper when I hear her say "mommy, he broke my paper." At that moment they both erupted into laughter, but the comment stayed in my head. I thought about what they were doing. They were creating a masterpiece! Little sis started her masterpiece with something that had to be broken, then she used the brokenness to create beauty.

Wow! This little moment of crafting for my children spoke volumes to my heart. As a sinner we are broken, and in that moment where the Holy Spirit calls us to Him, we are broken even a little more. But then when we repent and accept Christ as our Savior, He takes our broken and turns us into something beautiful! He makes us new, a masterpiece!

However, it doesn't stop there! There are many times during our walk with Him that He has to take us again, break us, and remold us. We get off of His chosen path for us, we try to do things on our own, make our own way and we end up instead creating a mess. He takes that mess, breaks it, and once again takes our brokenness and creates beauty. We are His masterpiece.

Sometimes, my daughter's masterpiece may not look beautiful to you or to others but to me it's BEAUTIFUL! Sometimes, I may not look beautiful to others, I may not appear to be a masterpiece. But in my Creator's eyes, in my Father's eyes, I am beautiful...A TRUE MASTERPIECE.

1 comment:

  1. All the teachable moments with kids are not just for the kids! How cool is it when the Holy Spirit uses our children to give us such a wonderful reminder.
